As we look to the future, we’re continually evolving—just as we would transform a bachelor apartment into a family home. Over time, this home morphs to fit a growing family, shifting needs, and new phases in life. As our lives change, so do our possessions—often trading the sports car for a minivan or SUV to accommodate our family’s growth. In much the same way, our relationships require regular adjustments to reflect our changing environments and personal development.

We carefully plan and consider our options when making big decisions like purchasing a new TV, selecting furniture, or buying a car. We invest time and effort into planning home renovations, vacations, new careers, and even our retirement. And we often seek out professionals—plumbers, electricians, financial planners, travel agents—to help us navigate these decisions. But when it comes to our relationships, how often do we stop to think about making a similar plan for change and growth?

How often do we consider that, like everything else in our lives, our relationships might need to be renovated to stay in tune with our evolving selves and our shifting circumstances?

Just as we turn to experts for guidance in home improvements or financial planning, perhaps we should also seek professional advice when it comes to refreshing and improving our relationships. Jeff Packer MSW and Associates Inc. offers private, confidential solutions to help you navigate these changes and renovate your relationships. Get in touch today to learn more about how we can help.