Love and Marriage: “Till Death Do Us Part” ?
Looking around in our society today does not seem to support this "traditional" vow. What ever happened to "for better or for worse"... "in sickness and in health" ... "for richer or for poorer"? I guess more contemporary vows are supposed to read...
Choosing a Counsellor: Differences Between a Psychotherapist, Psychologist and a Psychiatrist
What do I do... Who do I see for help? Well done! You’ve taken a great step in finding help that works for you. You may have heard that the most difficult part of getting help is admitting that you could use some help. It’s incredible that you have...
Probably one of the most important interpersonal skills we have is listening. But, wait a minute, don’t most of us have ears so aren’t we listening all the time? Apparently not, according to the post below submitted by a frustrated and tired woman,...
How Can I Have a More Balanced Marriage / Romance?
Imagine children playing on a teeter-totter at the park – they may be laughing smiling, laughing, kicking and of course having fun! While playing they use skills such as cooperation and balance to enjoy their time. Now imagine a marriage with these...
The Evolution of a Marriage
Dr. Mel Krantizer, of the Creative Divorce, Love & Marriage Counseling Center, has put forth the idea that within most long-term marriage relationships, there are seven distinct marriages: the 'Movie Marriage in Your Mind Marriage.' the 'Our...
What’s Your Body Trying to Tell You?
Our bodies are incredibly complex machines and part of this beautiful sophistication is the way they communicate with us. When we are acting or thinking in ways which are harmful to our body/mind/soul, we often consciously or unconsciously deny or...