Are you tired of feeling depressed? Does the world seem cloudy and everything is just black and white?
It is interesting how most people have a basic understanding, to say the least, of depression. Depression has been known as the most common disorder around the globe, so it’s no wonder that a lot of research has been conducted around this topic. ...
Supporting the Young Adult Child
It’s truly heartening to see more parents—especially those in their senior years—seeking support for their adult children, whether they’re in their 20s, 30s, or even 40s. The reality is, parenting never really ends. As long as we’re around, we want...
Renovating Your Relationships
As we look to the future, we’re continually evolving—just as we would transform a bachelor apartment into a family home. Over time, this home morphs to fit a growing family, shifting needs, and new phases in life. As our lives change, so do our...
Getting The Love You Want
Are You Getting The Love You Crave? One of the greatest resources for marriage and family is the book by Harvile Hendrix (Harville Hendrix, Ph.D. - ISBN 10: 0-8050-6895-3) and, in the twentieth anniversary edition, joined by his wife Helen...
The Holiday Blues are Real
“I complained of a decline in vital energy; a weakened ability to enjoy the fulfillment of needs or of aesthetic desire. Even the most reasonable goals had become difficult or impossible to set, and when established, impossible to fulfill…I...
New Year’s Resolutions: A Trigger for Eating Disorders
The arrival of January 1st often sparks a desire for renewal — a chance to create a fresh start and set new goals for the year ahead. We feel compelled to leave behind the previous year and embrace the possibilities of a new beginning. It’s a time...