Recovery After Affairs: One Young Wife’s Journey
One Common Symptom of Poor Communication Effective communication during disputes and disagreements is an essential component of high-quality and enduring relationships. Couples, even managers, employees and others, who are seeking to have amazing...
How Much Stress is Too Much?
“Mark was 38 and after earning his M.B.A., he joined the marketing division of a large conglomerate. He worked his way up the corporate ladder. His talent and long working hours was rewarded by his promotion to lead his division. The promotion left...
My Daughter -> 11 Going On 21!
When we hold our newborns in our arms, we are overwhelmed with feelings, emotions and thoughts. In fact, the term overwhelmed is an understatement of the first time this miracle appears in our arms. Yes, we had nine months to ponder what these tiny...
Drained! Burnt Out! Had Enough!
I’m emotionally spent. Enough is enough. Don’t talk to me. I’m done. I’m exhausted. I feel like people and my environment are draining the life out of me. If we can relate to any of the above statements, we may want to stop for a moment and...
I Just Want to Give Up!
Is Something Getting In The Way Of Your Employability? Some of us may ask ourselves: “Has anyone noticed how difficult it is to get a job, or is just me?” We focus our attention on job searching engines for 2-3 hours every morning. We search every...
Taking Control Over Anxiety
What Can I Do? Heart pumping, worry, fear, palms sweating, knees buckling, inability to carry out daily activities, avoiding social settings, and withdrawing from social interactions; these are just a few of the symptoms that individuals suffering...